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Tutorial for EFT-A
(Emotion Freedom Technique-Adapted)

I hope you find the video below to be helpful, where I focus on how to correlate and use the tapping points for specific emotions when working with tapping.

Note: In the video below, I don't discuss how to do the 'set up' for an EFT target, which is an important part of any EFT practice. Be sure to read the write-up below if you need to review the set up or anything else related to this technique. 

EFT-A (Adapted EFT)

Point holding and/or tapping


Thank you to Dr. Henry Grayson for sharing this technique in a podcast I heard ten years ago…I have found it to be tremendously helpful for many people, including myself! For more resources, or information about Dr. Grayson, go to:


Name the problem: ex: “Feeling hateful, hurtful and judgmental about myself” or ”Fearful about _____________” “Stress about (name stress specifically)” or “This pain (describe it)”


Rate your current distress level for this problem/issue, on a 0-10 scale.


Begin the set up for your tapping: Tap the Karate Chop point on the side of the hand as you repeat 3 times: “Although  (state the problem/issue) I deeply and completely love, honor & accept myself.” You can vary what you say with these statements as long it helps you center around the issue. 


Next, you will begin tapping. In this method, each point is associated with one emotion or a set of emotions (use list below as a guide). Stay with each point for a cycle or wave(your felt sense of this). You will be staying with the point (and its associated emotion) for significantly longer than you might for EFT.  A typical range is from 45 seconds to 5 minutes per point. 


It is ok to rub on the points rather than tap, if desired or needed.


As you begin tapping on each point, say aloud or to yourself “I release all _____ related to this problem (or issue)”  It is fine to change the phrasing if something else feels more suitable, for example: "I acknowledge and invite the movement of ______related to this issue.” 


Lean into the feelings. You are intentionally bringing them up to be released! (vs. trying, consciously or unconsciously, to shun or suppress them or shrink from them to make them go away) Think of it as being like turning on a faucet spigot in order to restore a balanced psychoenergetic flow for that emotion. 


As with any form of EFT, whatever comes up, comes up. You are a curious witness. It can be interesting to discover what rises to the surface (thoughts, memories, beliefs, sensations, ideas, images, etc.) when you invite each emotion to be processed, one at a time.


The points and their associated emotions

start of the eyebrow:   “I release all fear related to this issue [or problem or challenge]”

side of eye: anger resentment and rage

under eye: anxiety

under nose:  embarrassment

under lip:  shame and guilt

under arm/side of ribs:  worry and excessive concern

bottom of ribs in front, with both hands:  hurt and sadness


After you have completed a round of tapping in this manner, place your hand over your heart/sternum. Breathe in love and exhale any remaining fear or anything else that is ready to be released, through your solar plexus (diaphragm).


The intent in this step is to bring the highest form of energy in to energetically bring further clearing your system.


Check 0-10 distress scale after each round. Do as many rounds as you like, or as is needed.


Once you feel your distress level has diminished, you may want to 'tap in' emerging 'positive' qualities or emotions that are feeling more available in your system. Here are some to try (NOTE: This part of the protocol has been developed by me and is not part of the original EFT-A. Try them out, and feel free to change the language to suit what you are experiencing and feeling.):


I welcome:


I welcome _____ related to [the issue]


The points and some possible emotions you may now have access to:

start of the eyebrow:  “I welcome joy” "I welcome joy related to [the issue]"

side of eye: enjoyment

under eye: ease and comfort

under nose:  self-appreciation

under lip:  presence and care

under arm/side of ribs:  freedom and curiosity

bottom of ribs in front, with both hands:  healing and gratitude

With your hand on your heart: compassion (for yourself, and others if naturally available)




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